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    Brooke Ligertwood on Worship!

    Miles McPherson: Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

    In this message Pastor Miles McPherson reviews the Biblical story of Job to take a deeper look at how people that live in a faithful relationship with God handle trouble and problems in their lives.

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    Miles McPherson: Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

    In this message Pastor Miles McPherson reviews the Biblical story of Job to take a deeper look at how people that live in a faithful relationship with God handle trouble and problems in their lives.

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    Colin Smith: How the Lord’s Prayer Can Change You

    In his message from TGC Chicago’s 2022 Regional Conference, Colin Smith teaches us how to pray the Lord’s prayer through five specific categories, drawing from Luke 11 when Jesus’s disciples actually requested that Jesus teach them to pray, not how to pray.

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