Steve and Sarah

You showed Steven that he is not alone...

Steven is a survivor of sexual trauma. He turned to alcohol because he couldn’t handle the pain. He couldn’t handle the thoughts and feelings that were unresolved. It was easier to numb everything. He attempted suicide a few times because he didn’t think he had any value left and was too much of a screw up.

Steven listened to Worship 24/7 in his car, and one night especially he was struggling. It was about midnight, and he again contemplated ending his life. And then a song by Zach Williams began to play.

Jesus, you are the voice in the desert- calling me out in the dead of night. Fighting my battles for me. You are my rescue story.

That song became a breaking point in Steven’s healing. Thanks to your support, Worship 24/7 was playing on his local FM station, and it saved his life. Steven began to work with a trauma therapist and now is in a much better place. After some time has passed, he even has the honor of helping guys in the same areas that were once his greatest weakness.

Thank you for bringing God’s loving affirmation to Steven so he knows he is he is not alone. He matters. And God took his pain and allowed him to find purpose in it.

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We are 100% supported by people like you who give as an act of worship.

These stories have been made possible because of the generosity of people who give to support Worship 24/7.

The goal is to add 200 monthly partners by the end of June.