David Harms
For me, 2005 was the year when worship music went from an enjoyable Sunday morning experience to an actual life-changing turning point. Several years before then I found myself a single dad with two young daughters to raise. In those years, as I spent many hours in prayer, God became very real in my pain as I poured out my grief and the overwhelming weight of the responsibility of raising children alone. But on one particular Sunday at church, as we were singing, instead of coming to God in my pain and with my questions, I came to God in absolute gratitude. As we sang “Enough” by Chris Tomlin I found my arms lifting up in thankfulness simply for who God is and not what He was doing for me. And in those 20 minutes of worship my life changed. God was good. God was faithful. God was enough. I left church that Sunday with a new heart for God and an understanding of what God does in hearts when we worship Him.
Today I get to spend my mornings with people from all over the world and I get the honor of facilitating time with God in worship. Some are listening in their pain, some in grief, some in joy and some are coming with no real understanding of God at all. But I am convinced, as I was on that day in 2005, that God truly is worthy of worship in all circumstances … and that He is enough.
P.S. Two years after that moment, God truly restored my life. I met Barbara, at the time a single mom with a daughter, and after we got married our blended family of five became a blended family of seven when we adopted two sisters from Ethiopia.